The weekly round-up of the biggest news stories from across Momentum Media’s property titles from the week ending 10 September.
Welcome to The Adviser’s weekly round-up of the headline stories and news that are important not only for the real estate sector, but also for the state of property in Australia more broadly.
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To compile this list, not only do we consider the week’s most-read stories and the news that matter to you, but we curate it to include stories from our sister brands that also have an impact on the Australian property landscape.
APRA watches for lockdown impact on mortgage rise
The housing market boom and economic rebound grew loan books in the three months to June, but APRA has warned the ongoing lockdowns have made the outlook “uncertain”.
AUSTRAC flags broker fraud among banking risks
The regulator has warned the banks they have high exposure to criminal activity, while reporting cases of broker-facilitated loan fraud.
Refinances hit record highs in August: PEXA
Refinance levels surpassed the previous record set in 2020 to reach a new high in August 2021, according to PEXA.
Guidance on new breach reporting regime released
The steps brokers will need to take to comply with the incoming breach reporting regime have been outlined by ASIC in its new regulatory guide.
RBA declares September cash rate
The Reserve Bank has revealed its cash decision for September, amid ongoing lockdowns across the country.
REIV runs newspaper attack on Dan Andrews
Full-page ads decrying the Victorian Premier’s stance on real estate closures are being circulated across major metropolitan newspapers on Wednesday, courtesy of the Real Estate Institute of Victoria (REIV).
70% vax rate will see Victoria ease real estate restrictions
The Victorian government has announced its intentions for a more lenient policy on house inspections and construction as its lockdown continues.
Vaccination the only way: Victoria says ‘let’s get it done’
As the state looks to get back to business, a number of Victorian leaders have united with the Real Estate Institute of Victoria (REIV) to deliver an important COVID-19 vaccination message.
Revealing Australia’s Top 50 Agents by state
This new state-based ranking comes at a time when property markets across Australia are seeing record-breaking results.
Brisbane property market update August 2021
This month started with the short sharp lockdown throughout Brisbane, so buyer and seller activity stalled until the second week of the month.
[Related: Hot Property: The biggest property headlines from the week 30 August to 3 September]