Staff Reporter
Australia’s lenders have shifted up a gear as the end of the year approaches, with deals approved in record time.
According to Loan Market Group’s Mark De Martino, Australia’s lenders and bank staff have been doing all they can to get deals finalised before the Christmas break.
“In the span of just a few weeks, we’ve heard some exciting stories from our brokers about the support provided by lender staff around the country. During this busy time of year, these efforts are highly appreciated by brokers and are certainly great for solidifying relationships between lenders, brokers and customers,” he said.
Mr De Martino said that in one instance, CBA branch manager Wayne Lennox in Geelong received an urgent request late in the day to get original documents signed by a guarantor who happened to be near his branch that day.
“This branch manager went far out of his way to ensure the proper documents were signed and returned as quickly as possible for a broker and client he had never met,”
Loan Market mortgage broker Marios Rokka said that without the help of Wayne Lennox, the deal would not have reached settlement in time.
“As most brokers know, unforeseeable circumstances come up that need immediate attention to get a deal across the line. My customers and I are very thankful for efforts made by Mr Lennox,” he said.
Mr De Martino added that in other instances, BDMs were making themselves available through family and work functions during a time of year when it can be difficult always to be accessible.
“It’s important to give feedback to our lender partners that these efforts have not gone unnoticed and that it’s building relationships that make the outlook for 2013 even more promising,” he said.
“We’ve worked very closely with our lender partners this year to show them how they can help our brokers. Stories like we’ve been hearing over the holiday season are showing these efforts have been paying off.”