Emily McLean
‘My Local Broker’, the brainchild of Jaci Smith, is continuing to garner support from brokers and aggregators alike.
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In just over two months since its launch on April 10th, My Local Broker has over 400 registrations from brokers and is backed by firm support from a number of aggregators.
Ms Smith’s website enables potential clients to find a broker from their local community by reviewing hundreds of profiles containing photos and testimonials.
Speaking to The Adviser, Ms Smith said the majority of feedback she’s receiving from brokers is around the social media aspect.
“Brokers are loving the website because it’s the one place they can start to get their head around social media as it integrates Facebook very strongly,” she said.
“Instead of asking for referrals from clients, brokers are now asking clients to like their profile on Facebook. This acts as a great retention tool and starts the whole process of integrating the clients into their online media presence.”
Ms Smith said this is particularly advantageous for those brokers who would normally just settle a loan and have limited contact with their clients post settlement.
Come September, Ms Smith will launch My Local Accountant and plans are in motion to launch My Local Financial Adviser by the end of the year.
“This will allow all three professions to promote various seminars in their local area where they can come together, educate each other and also refer business,” Ms Smith said.