Looking to get more out of your support team? Home Loan Experts’ broker support manager Urika Shrestha gives you six simple solutions.
1. Upgrading the expertise of your support team through training is paramount to a successful business and a critical part of employee retention.
2. Utilise your support team’s initial induction to provide a foundation for the regular learning to come and set expectations regarding behaviour.
3. Your support team should have regular tests. Rrun through scenarios and undertake research work on the Australian mortgage industry to build on their initial training. Crucial updates to lending policies, procedures and systems should also be integrated into their daily routine.
4. Have your support team attend broker training to make them more engaged in the business.
5. The best way to overcome cultural, technological and communication barriers that might arise in training an offshore team is to bring them to Australia for an opportunity to visit your brokerage’s lenders, paralegal teams and other associated parties.
6. Ensure you train your offshore support function in technological developments in order to promote the efficient running of your brokerage.