The FBAA has unveiled scholarships worth $16,900 to attract young talent to the industry.
The two scholarship winners will receive a two-year education program that includes study at Australis College as well as professional mentoring.
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FBAA chief executive Peter White said the association wanted to help regenerate the industry.
"This is about bringing new blood into the industry, which has a lot of people ageing and close to retiring," he told The Adviser.
"We want them to look at this as a professional industry. Most high school and uni students have probably never heard of finance broking, so this helps to put it on the radar."
The scholarships are open to all high school and university students. Applications close on March 27, with the recipients to be announced on May 4.
At this stage, these scholarships will be a one-off, although Mr White said the scheme might be repeated in future years.
Mr White said the FBAA planned to do a lot of marketing to promote the scholarships.
"We're reaching out through Student Edge to the 600,000 students around the country with videos and marketing content that is starting at the end of November," Mr White said.
"There is TV coverage that initially is in Western Australia only and then early next year will be national.
"There will also be a very targeted electronic marketing campaign through the student network."
Mr White also encouraged brokers, aggregators and lenders to spread the word so that as many students as possible hear about the scholarships.
"They will enable people to go right through the system and start operating as a finance broker," he told The Adviser.
The scholarship scheme was announced at the FBAA's annual conference on Friday.
[LinkedIn discussion: Is it harder to attract or retain talent?]