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Broker sings and raps to woo clients

by Huntley Mitchell10 minute read
The Adviser

One broker has received national recognition for his marketing skills, which includes rapping on radio advertisements.

Smartline broker Aaron Basten said his humorous radio ads are one of the reasons why he and fellow broker Ian Dunstan won the franchise's Marketing Champion Award for 2014.

"Because the campaign is ongoing, it's constantly reinforcing our good reputation and message about who we are and what we do," the Kalgoorlie-based broker said.

The radio campaign has been running for about 10 years – and one of the latest ads features Mr Basten singing and rapping.


"We like to make the radio ads a bit light-hearted and have fun with it," he told The Adviser.

"We enjoy making jokes and taking the p**s out of ourselves, which gets across our personalities to the listeners."

Mr Basten said a lot of the financial products and services that brokers try to market are usually 'quite bland', and sometimes the underlying message gets lost.

"That's why we try to make our radio ads funny, so there's more of a chance that listeners will remember it," he said.

Mr Basten said he and his colleagues also make a lot of community-based contributions to local sporting clubs and schools in and around Kalgoorlie to help strengthen their profile and get their message across.

"When it comes to marketing through community projects, rather than just making a donation, you've got to show your face and interact with people," he said.

"You can't just write a cheque – you need to be actively involved in whatever event or initiative you're sponsoring or donating to."

Smartline managing director Chris Acret said Mr Basten and Mr Dunstan "have a very strong community focus and enjoy a high profile in Kalgoorie".

"They provide their clients [with] great advice and service, and as a result receive many referrals and repeat business," he said.

"As a result, they have positioned themselves as the go-to mortgage brokers in the area."

[Related: Smartline named best franchise in Australia]
